Thursday, November 13, 2008

BOOK 12: Sixty Six by Barry Levinson (audio)

I listened to this book by Barry Levinson, more well known for his TV and film work than as a novelist. Set in Baltimore in the late 1960's, the story feels like it happens a lot earlier than that in many respects. So much of day to day life for these 20-somethings still resembled 1950 and yet huge shifts are occuring in a layer just on top of finding their first job, settling down toward marriage or dodging the draft.

With some books I've listened to, I know right away whether to contiue listening or quit and take it back to the library. This book was a tough choice because there is a lot of cliche and some strange non-sequitirs and rabbit trails, but Levinson provides just enough hook and mystery that he convinced me to stick with it for a while longer. Then I was past the halfway point and decided to ride it out.

Since listening to Sixty Six, I've hardly thought about the book once, which says to me that though this one is a check in the completed column, it was more or less a non-entity in this experience. Unless you're a Sixties-o-phile or you're from Baltimore, don't bother with this one.

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