Thursday, June 02, 2005

Fight Club

I just watched Fight Club for the first time in a long time. This isn’t going to make any sense, but the fact that it’s one of my favorite movies is really not a recommendation to watch the film. It’s pretty dark and I don’t really think it’s good for your soul, but the message is conveyed very eloquently if not always in a positive way. One of the quotes that resonated with me, perhaps because we are confronted with all of our possessions going into cardboard boxes and totes right now is this:

“What you own ends up owning you.”

How true it is, that we make decisions based on our possessions sometimes to the detriment of interpersonal relationships, our relationship with God, our giving to those truly in need. I might have felt poor wandering around the wealth of SoHo the other day, but let’s face it, all of us who find ourselves members of middle class America are insanely wealthy in comparison to most of the world. If we have the time and capacity to blog or read blogs, we're probably not worried about our next meal. So for what it’s worth, a thought for the day from your pal Tyler Durden.

1 comment:

Phil said...

So right. How often do I find myself in a situation where I have the choice between material meaninglessness and interpersonal relationship. Just to re-emphasize this - in case you didn't get to my blog yet - the SoHo store wasn't all that; the company was pretty good, though.