Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Warning Labels

Oh how I love the warning labels. So this is a 50 cent ride in our little pathetic mall close to us. And here is the warning label that shows through the windshield of this Safari jeep ride. What cracks me up is the word "whilst." Who is writing these labels? Who still says whilst? I did hear a voice on one of the other rides that sounded distinctly British, so I guess it's possible that the Walpole Mall has imported 50 cent rides, all the way from the British "Empire." Impressive.

And then here's another one I saw on the road the other day. It's a bit hard to read what it says on the back of this tanker truck, but here it is: "TECHNICAL ANIMAL FAT. NOT INTENDED FOR HUMAN FOOD." I'm just so grateful that the MOPAC company puts this on the back of their trucks, because if you're anything like me when I'm on the road, there is nothing that hits the spot like some technical animal fat directly from the ol' tanker truck. Who is this warning for? Do they really think someone's hooking a hose up to this thing in order to funnel animal fat?

Well, I've gotten hungry whilst writing this blog. Gonna go grab some fat from the fridge. Remember to be forewarned is to be forearmed. But to be forearmed can be painful, particularly to the head.


bedemike said...

I've been forearmed by your Dad on the basketball court before. He still gets around for an old man.

Here's another odd warning label I noticed on a bottle of children's cough & cold medicine - "Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while (whilst?!) taking this medication." Joey was bummed, but gave up his car keys anyway. We appointed Jenna the designated driver.

Mhairi said...

Whilst reading your blog I can't think of anything more intelligent to say, I just wanted to take the side of my fellow Britons.
It is a word I use regularly,

Hear hear Her Majesty the Queen!

Chris H said...

My favourite warning is on peanuts...

"Warning: This product contains nuts"

Yeeeesss... that's why I bought it!