Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Potent Quotables

Since March 4th of this year, I've done something I hadn't done in a long, long time: look forward to the new War Cry coming out. I think most of you know why, but in case you don't, a guy named Ed Forster is the new editor of the War Cry and I have to say he's doing a pretty good job with the Army's national magazine.

Anyway, one of the sections I turn to first (because I have the attention span of a bag of pretzels) is the quotes page. There are generally half a dozen or so quotes from various sources. I found this one in the June 24 issue.

"The two keys to Salvation Army officership are:
1. Be Holy
2. Show up for work."

Colonel James Knaggs, May 20, 2006

Now this quote may run contrary to some people's opinion and specifically to some of the thoughts in Tim's recent blog, but I think he's quite right. I like that there are 2 parts and I don't think you can separate the two. They're in the right order, but one without the other is really pointless. I'm convinced that if the early Army wasn't too polished and wasn't nearly as professional as we are today, that they bested us by a fair margin on these 2 points.

So props to the War Cry for being an engaging publication again. Props to Colonel Knaggs for nailing it in two sentences (a true gift of his). And props to those officers that are managing to hit the mark on points 1 and 2.


Tim said...

I'm not sure why this quote would run contrary to my recent thoughts?

Then again, like any simplified quote, it does seem to be a little short sighted.

blogblogblog said...

Your post wasn't specifically on this topic, but toward the end of it, you alluded to the fact that you're not sure of the quality of officers we're turing out of our Training Schools. Under Colonel's statement, "professional ministry skills" are less important than being faithful to points 1 and 2.

And I'll bite, are you really saying that being holy and showing up for work adds up to a short sighted formula? It seems to take the long view in my opinion.

BrownEyedGirl said...

You mean i have to show up too!??!

jamie said...

i don't usually peruse the war cry, but i do get a copy of "the officer" now. (what?)

what about if you are holy and show up, but only show up in body? or is that possible? maybe if you do that you're not authentically holy, but have just checked the boxes for holiness?

not that i have anyone specific in mind... :)

RC said...

"attention span of a bag of pretzels" I LOVE IT.

I think this is a really interesting concept you bring up, definitly something to chew on.

Being Holy is certainly not talked about enough nor strived for in our contemporary world.

--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com

Kelly said...

hey drew--this is unrelated, but did you ever get that email i sent you?

Tim said...

Ok Drew, I’ll chew.

Where is gifting in all of this? Where is calling in all of this? Or is that assumed? Showing up and being Holy makes you faithful, but it doesn’t necessarily make you effective.

How ‘bout that for a quote? : )