Wednesday, February 07, 2007

No, seriously, I'm back

Gotten a couple of notes from people decrying my declaration of being back on the blog scene. They say things like "well, guess your resolution to blog again didn't work out" or "it was a nice try, maybe next time."

Let me 'splain. I had a 3rd blog post from the Urban Forum all done. It was ready to post, and I made the mistake of previewing it and then in the process of trying to make an edit, I lost it. No number of back button pushes would bring it back to me, so I've been waiting for the opportunity to post it. Let me give you a preview.

It all starts with a quote from Bob Lupton. I walked into the room to hear him say, "The idea of building a big building in a poor neighborhood is a past idea. We should no longer be doing that." You can understand how that threw me since I'm spending roughly 30 hours a day trying to figure out how we are going to get a 90,000 square foot community center erected in the poorest neighborhood in Boston. Anyway, there's more on that topic and it will be coming in a post before Valentine's Day.


Larry said...

so drew....i just posted on the meetings we attended last week.

i too have reservations about the big buildings in poor neighborhoods. i am more concerned with how we make a transformational community through these places. i am still trying to get my head around all of this.

HS said...

I'm not sure that the big building is so bad, as people do need to gather in both small and large spaces - so a Kroc center in a neighborhood where some of the staff actually lives (and the officers as well) can serve both functions. I recently spent many days reading through Ezekiel, and the Lord did seem to have some interest in a large building with many specifications - enough to make me ask, is this book ever going to get back to the good stuff! A building can't be transformational in itself - it is only by the people who inhabit it in the spirit of Christ that the transformation begins. I guess time will tell - I'm not sure that we can plan, legislate, or demand transformational community - only walk day by day in grace and integrity.